Heian Period - Japanese Mataro Doll

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Heian Period - Traditional dolls

Heian Period - Traditional dolls

Heian Period (794-1185)
Heian period was the period of transition from aristocracy to warrior rule with its capital in Kyoto. Exchanging culture of gorgeousness aristocracy and simple warrior rule made and develop various culture and entertainment. Also it is said that Heian was the age of fashion.

Conditions of a Heian beauty
Rounded eyebrows, narrow eyes, thin nose, full-cheeked face, small lips and long hair were the conditions of a beauty of Heian period. Those conditions are totally different from the concept of beauty of today.

Fashion of Heian women
eyebrows : Women of Heian period has pull out the entire eyebrows and drew round eyebrows by charcoal.
Juuni hitoe : ceremonial robes of court ladies formalwear of Japanese princess which are worn with multiple layers of bright color robes.

Heian Period

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Traditional dolls Heian PeriodESeien

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Japanese traditional dolls: Mataro Doll