Tea Ceremony - Japanese Mataro Doll

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Tea Ceremony

Tea Ceremony

Height 13.5cm

On bright and balmy spring day, a little girl with bobbed hair is playing "Tea Ceremony". It can be shown that she is enjoying it from her lovely face. This gorgeous kit includes display carpet and all the miniature tea ceremony accessories. The custom to drink tea came Japan from China and later the way of tea, Japanese original style of tea ceremony had build up. It used to be only for men, but after the Meiji period, it came to be considered as the accomplishments of women.

Tea Ceremony Set List of items

Contents of the kit Contents of the kit
Contents of the Tea Ceremony doll kit:
1. The body of the doll
2. The head of the doll
3. Fabric set
4. The display stand (carpet)
5. Glue in tube
6. Sawdust
7. Small accessories (Tea ceremony kit)
8. The hands of the doll

The tools that you'll need to make:
1. Thin glove
2. Wet cloth or napkin to wipe off the glue of spatula, after each use of the spatula.
3.Small dish for the glue.
4. Sand paper
5. Scissors -small scissors with sharp blades are the most effective.
6. Hair brush for the dolls
7. Eyeleteer
8. Chisel
9. Spatula

Tea Ceremony

Height 13.5cm

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Japanese traditional dolls: Mataro Doll